
Get Ready for Your Kids to Excel! Register for the Evolve Kidz 2-Day Weekend Workshop Today.

Empower Kids with Life Skills to Think Better, Feel Better, and Act Better at Home and in School

The Evolve Kidz 2-day personal development workshop for children ages 7-12 years old. What your children can learn here will change all aspects of their life (at home, work and play), bringing more compassion, gratitude, empathy and love into your relationships and your life.

(754) 204-8225Enroll Kids TODAY!

Evolve Kidz | Emotional Freedom Life Skills

Are your kids experiencing any of this?

Fear - Self Doubt - Feeling Shy & Unworthy - Being Bullied - Bullying Others - Overcome with anxiety - Out of control Anger - Having "Bad" Attitudes



Emotional freedom is introduced at the Evolve Kidz. We teach the children how to apply emotional freedom techniques (EFT) and how to connect with their feelings in order to show them how they are at choice on how they wish to behave; and how they can choose to respond instead of reacting and then receive better results.


Communication and practical role playing gives your children a safe place to explore their feelings for personal development. Furthermore, through self-awareness, feelings of Anger, Sadness, Fear and Shame, are taught to be normal and useful. They explore where these feelings come from and how to appropriately express them. And finally, they learn how to be team members at home contributing to loving family relationships.

Our Evolve Kidz students start to become of aware of their internal power.


Enroll your kids in the next Evolve Kidz course!


Calendar 2023: 

November 18 & 19, 2023

Register New Student Angel Registration

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Guiding Kids With Kindness

This self-awareness and communication skills course gives children a safe place to explore their feelings for personal development.

The Evolve Kidz instructors and coaches do their personal development using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and can help your kids learn to identify authentic feelings and beliefs that no longer server them and, anchor in new beliefs about themselves.

We work with the children on Mindfulness: A simple practice of bringing a kind and loving attitude to the present moment. In addition, we believe teaching them that they are at choice to have a feeling and how to self-calm improves family, school, and friendship relationships. This helps to promote happiness and relieves stress. The activities the children participate in help them to develop compassion, focus, curiosity and empathy.

Our students, and returning children, work on self esteem, how to flip negative self-talk, and learning how to love themselves. In addition, family relationships see improvement with these new communication tools.

Best of all, they learn about who owns a problem and about taking on someone else’s problem is giving their power away. Setting boundaries, which comes up a lot in bullying, teaches them how to stand in their own power.

Empowering Kids Self Talk

Bullying Discussion

(A lot of feelings come up in this discussion.)

Communication skills are important to help students learn:

  • How a victim becomes a victim
  • How the bully becomes the bully
  • How they are in cooperation with each other.
  • How to stop bullying.

What to expect

Evolve Kidz workshops are two-days of one weekend. It takes the two-days for children to power through issues and have breakthroughs in the first weekend. Styles of parenting vary. Tawnya Perry recommends that parents and children continue personal development through coaching and/or parents taking the parenting/care-taker course on Heart Mind and Soul Parenting. In conclusion, students are encouraged to come back to Evolve Kidz workshop as ‘angel mentors’ to the next group of students. Lifetime Learning Connections encourages building a community that supports stronger families and healthy teams.

Graduation: Sunday evening, after the course we have a Graduation celebration for all the work they have done during the weekend. Parents, family, and friends are invited to attend.

The following week Tawnya Perry has a conference call with the parents to share insights about issues that came up during the weekend and how they can support their child with the new tools they have learned

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The Heart, Mind and Soul Parenting Course for transforming children’s behavior is an invaluable asset for parents to have. It is highly recommended for parents whose kids have taken the Evolve Kidz or the Evolve Teenz.

Tawnya Perry

Life Coach & Parenting Instructor, HeartPath LLC


My children absolutely LOVED this course and they cannot wait to go back to be part of the Angel support team!!!

Ava was talking to her inner child all night and asked me if I would … help her do one of the role plays from the course.

Anthony came home with a stronger voice than he’s ever had and an awareness of the feelings that are easy for him and the ones we need to work on.

This gift is so far beyond what I had hoped. My gratitude is immeasurable.

Tawnya Perry and all your amazing Angels … so much love to you all!!!!

Chris D. V. C.

Working Mom

I am a huge supporter of Lifetime Learning Connections and the courses they provide to our community. Tawnya Perry is one of the most intuitive and experienced teachers in this arena, and I am so honored and grateful to be a part of the family she is creating.

Joshua Noah R.

Trust that Transformation can happen!

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